pool templates

Pool Design Software add-ins for Pool Builders! 

3D Pool Designs, Build Plans & Estimates:   3D Plan    3D Pool    3D movie    2D spec plan   1D Plan 

  3D Swimming Pool Design Software & Estimating
  Add-in for Pool Builders
that's Easy-to-Use & affordable...

Design, Estimate and Build Pools Faster than Ever...

Create 3D/2D/1D Custom Pool Plans  View

Realistic 3D Renderings and Movies  View

Pro 1D CAD Layout, Plumbing, Electrical  View

Our 3D swimming pool design software add-ins will help Design & Estimate custom Pool Projects and can produce 1D builder and permit plans! using your Excel and other popular landscape programs...

You will have a fast, easy-to-use, accurate, affordable way to design & estimate custom pool projects in 1D CAD and instant virtual 3D plans & movies!

From Our Customers:

"Your new 3D pool design software add-in allows me to quickly estimate and design all my jobs in a fraction of the time as my other method...
Jim W, Pool Builder

"The ability to go from sales 3D concept to 1D permit plan and provide a well written estimate for my clients is exactly what I needed - yours is the only one that does it and it is a breeze to use!"
Janet S, Designer

"Fantastic! your pool design software add-in has instantly helped me visually show & quickly estimate both my remodels and new builds, so thank you!"
Walter C
, Pool Remodeler

"I've been using another program for years but found it too time-consuming. Your 3D pool design software is way better & much easier to use and without the high monthly costs"
- Craig H, Builder

 For All Pool Builders!

Pro-Suite 2025
, Estimate, Build

3D & 1D Pool & Backyard Design with
Estimates, Proposals, Job Schedules

      Draw custom Sales & Construction plans
          with Instant 3D, 2D Plans, & movies!
Estimate Pool Projects in minutes!
      Design any type of pool or project
      Customizable forms, formulas, materials,
      Add Landscaping & water-features
Imports Plot Plans, Google Earth maps
Convert any scale (and hand drawings!)
Layout, plumbing & electrical plan
Customize all forms and prices in Excel
      Instantly Calculate and estimates all
          areas and costs for builds and remodels!

Create Amazing Professional 3D/1D Pool
& Landscape Plans in just minutes

Then Estimate with Proposal, Contract &
Job Schedule using your MS Excel

More Info

The Pool Design & Estimating
Add-In Software
for Pool Builders!

Pro-Suite 2025TM

Just a One-Time Cost!

No Monthly Fees!

Call Us 800-200-4670

Professional Pool Design, Plumbing & Electrical, Flow Calcs, Job Schedules and more!

The #1 Pool Design Add-In for Microsoft Office
and Realtime Landscaping Architect program

The #1 Pool Estimator for Excel Creates Fast & Accurate Pool Estimates for US Pool Builders since 1997

Copyright 2005-2025  PoolTemplates.com                               ESI Corporation                              For all Windows PCs                                Contact Us