pool templates The #1 Best Pool Builder Estimator for Excel!    



New ESI Pool Estimator Pro for Excel

The Ultimate Pool Builder Estimator Program

The Only software that offers Full-Featured Pool Estimating

and Job Scheduling, PE Layout & Calcs! - and with No monthly fees!

Not just a monthly CRM App  - This is the Powerful, rock-solid Full-Featured estimating software you need!


Professional Pool Bids, Estimates, Proposals, Contract, Change Orders, Job Schedules,
Creates custom forms and 'Dynamic' Plumbing PE Calculations & much more!


See video

See video

View any property in 3D & Measure Anything!

Enter an address to see a scaled
satellite image of all sides

All Free - No drone needed!

Then measure any length, area,  perimeter of pool, lot, home, fence, walls & decks remotely

Choose a Input Sheet
New optional input sheet lets you build estimates any way you want. Our program is built in VBA to use as an Excel toolkit with all functions & features of Excel. Includes a PDF form creator, see new tablet-friendly
See new input sheet

Pulldown Menus & Droplists
ast selection from huge built-in database
of 1000+ pool items you can edit with dropdown menus!.

Estimate in minutes with instant Proposal or Contract, Addendums and more!

Add sections for client signing, add picture or plans from your design program, or virtually anything using our new
'Instant screenshot' insert tool.

Add a 'live linked' chart or graph which auto-updates on forms!
One-Click Forms
Proposals, Contracts

Customize the look & feel
of your custom forms.

You can include any  formulas, calculations,
cell refs or other Excel functions or import & use your Excel sheets

New Dynamic Plumbing
Create your own professional Plumbing Schematics by moving items in our layouts!

Drag-N-Drop from our sets of pre-plumbed Pool and Spa combinations, then add or move items and watch it re-connect dynamically

Job Scheduler
Track your projects, add rain days, upload to  shared calendars

Calendar Export
export schedules to shared online calendars, share with your team (or subs) view on any device and smartphone video

All with no monthly fees

Full Pool Contract
Instant editable Pool Contract, you can edit all text or clauses, or create your own form!

One-click Forms
with built-in PDF converter, 1-Click 'Email as attachment' for instant delivery of your bids proposals, contracts, change orders, addendums (or any custom form)!

New PE Site Plan Tool
Draw Site Plans just using Excel!
(no drawing program needed)
Draw or Drag-N-Drop from our pre-made Site Plan items and tools.

New also can create your own Items For Plumbing-Electrical (PE) layout and it dynamically
connects to our smart shapes and re-draws piping as you move items!

You can also convert to PDF and email directly from the program
New Pool/Spa Equip Layout
Create your own professional Equipment Schematics or use our editable pre-made plumbing layouts

Drag-N-Drop from our complete sets of pre-plumbed Pool and Pool & Spa combinations to edit!

Move any item or piping and watch all connected pipes move with it!
Our 'smart shapes' will 're-pipe' it. (automatically connects pipes)
 Just Drag-N-Drop to design your circulation systems, start with our many pre-plumbed
Pool & Spa combinations

Then add or move items and pipes can automatically
 and re-pipe.

New PE control panels, actuators & electrical items too! Move any item and wires stay connected (automatically re-wires!)

New PE Calculators
Find desired GPM flow rates. Just enter desired Turnover Rate to find the flow rates, add & customize the formulas!

Also includes our Equiv Length of PVC Calculator to find what is the Total Equivalent Length of Pipes per each run when adding many QTYs of fittings (calcs for all PVC fitting types & sizes)

ESI Estimator is already priced with 1000+ items that you edit (edit all items, prices, markups and drop-lists)

New 'One-click' Proposal & Contracts

New Dynamic Pool Equipment Layout & Calcs (using just Excel!)...

Only $295 one-time cost
per computer (with no monthly fees!)

Please click here to Download

Need Help? Call 800-200-4670

Use with or without any design program, and with No Excel skills needed

Works with any Windows device with Microsoft Office (2010 or higher) or 365 installed (Not for Mac)


Created Exclusively For US Pool Builders by PE Pool Professionals!


The Pool Estimator for Excel Creates Fast & Accurate Pool Estimates for Pool Builders since 1997


Copyright 2005-2025  PoolTemplates.com - ESI Corporation